Ahmad Nadalian’s Journeys Across Different countries

Ahmad Nadalian is internationally known as one of the most active ecological artists. He has been supported and sponsored by many different organizations in many countries throughout the world, where he has performed numerous ecological and social art projects. 

Now most of Nadalian works are scattered across the earth. His environmental art projects, include the carving of rocks that can be found in many countries such as  Italy, USA, England, Germany, Spain, France, China, South Korea,  Hungary,  Slovakia, Netherlands,   Greece,  Russia, Uzbekistan,  Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Finland, Lebanon, Syria,  Azerbaijan,  Sweden, Denmark,  United Arab Emirates,  Qatar,  Kuwait, Turkey, Switzerland, Serbia, South Africa, Austria, Cyprus, Georgia, Japan, Malaysia, India, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Armenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Thailand, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia ...and his homeland Iran.

Map of Ahmed Nadalian’s works in different parts of the world: In the blue spots, Nadalian has performed ecological art directly on the shores of the sea or rivers, or exhibited social art in the public environment. In the orange spots, his friends have thrown his carved stone into the water or buried them in the earth.

Map of Ahmad Nadalian's works in the four corners of the world
Map of Ahmad Nadalian’s works in the four corners of the world
نمودار کارهای احمد نادعلیان در قسمت های مختلف امریکا
Map of Ahmed Nadalian’s works in different parts of USA
Ahmad Nadalian and John K. Grande on the border between Hungary and Slovakia, after interviewing Ahmad Nadalian, John K. Grande wrote an introduction and published the interview in Space Magazine in Canada and a book titled "Dialogue in Diversity". This book was published in England.
Ahmad Nadalian and John K. Grande on the border between Hungary and Slovakia, after interviewing Ahmad Nadalian, John K. Grande wrote an introduction and published the interview in Space Magazine in Canada and a book titled “Dialogue in Diversity”. This book was published in England.
Ahmed Nadalian sculpting in 2004, Mallorca Island, Spain

Journey in Spain

<span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">2003 َAhmad Nadalian Project including photos an video installation 0f River Art Project at the 50th Venice Biennale in Italy</span>
2003 َAhmad Nadalian Project including photos an video installation 0f River Art Project at the 50th Venice Biennale in Italy
2013 Ahmad Nadalian in Georgia
2013 Ahmad Nadalian in Georgia
2011 Journeys Across Hungary,
2011 Ahmad Nadalian, Journeys Across Hungary

Playing With Water: Journeys across Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Turkey

Several Journeys to Slovakia

2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Morocco
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Morocco
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Morocco
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Morocco
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Portugal
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Portugal
2017 Environmental Art Project in South Spain
2017 Environmental Art Project in South Spain
2017 Environmental Art Project in South Spain
2017 Environmental Art Project in South Spain
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Switzerland
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Switzerland
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Switzerland
2017 Ahmad Nadalian in Switzerland
2016 Ahmad Nadalian in Thailand
2016 Ahmad Nadalian in Thailand
2007 Environmental Art Project - in USA -  Rock Creek River- Washington DC,
Ahmad Nadalian 2007 Environmental Art Project – in USA –  Rock Creek River- Washington DC,

2007 Environmental Art Project – in USA


2012 Ahmad Nadalian in Japan
2012 Ahmad Nadalian in Japan

2012 Art works by Ahmad Nadalian in Japan

2007  Ahmad Nadalian in UK Chalford (Golden Valley) Stroud
2007  Ahmad Nadalian in UK Chalford (Golden Valley) Stroud
Ahmad Nadalian 2007 Environmental Art Project - in USA -  Rock Creek River- Washington DC,
Ahmad Nadalian 2007 Environmental Art Project – in USA –  Rock Creek River- Washington DC,
2007  Ahmad Nadalian in UK Chalford (Golden Valley) Stroud
2007  Ahmad Nadalian in UK Chalford (Golden Valley) Stroud

2007  Ahmad Nadalian in UK Chalford (Golden Valley) Stroud

2010 Ahmad Nadalian, South Korea
2010 Ahmad Nadalian, South Korea

2010 A Journey to South Korea with the Bicycle of Peace

2007  Journey across China – The Land of Dragon, Lijiang River
2007  Journey across China – The Land of Dragon, Lijiang River

2007  Journey across China – The Land of Dragon, Lijiang River

2004 Carving on the Rock of Fairies, Ramatuelle, France
2004 Carving on the Rock of Fairies, Ramatuelle, France

2004 Carving on the Rock of Fairies, Ramatuelle, France

1388 احمد نادعلیان در کشور روسیه و اجرای هنر محیطی
1388 احمد نادعلیان در کشور روسیه و اجرای هنر محیطی

Journey Across Russia: Swimming Against the Tides

1388 احمد نادعلیان در کشور روسیه و اجرای هنر محیطی
1388 احمد نادعلیان در کشور روسیه و اجرای هنر محیطی
احمد نادعلیان ذر حال حجاری در منطقه تاسکانی  Tuscany نزدیک فلورانس ایتالیا ، 1385 فستیوال هنر سبز
احمد نادعلیان ذر حال حجاری در منطقه تاسکانی  Tuscany نزدیک فلورانس ایتالیا ، 1385 فستیوال هنر سبز
احمد نادعلیان ذر حال حجاری در منطقه تاسکانی  Tuscany نزدیک فلورانس ایتالیا ، 1385 فستیوال هنر سبز
احمد نادعلیان ذر حال حجاری در منطقه تاسکانی  Tuscany نزدیک فلورانس ایتالیا ، 1385 فستیوال هنر سبز
2005 Ahmad Nadalian Art Works in Seattle – USA
2005 Ahmad Nadalian Art Works in Seattle – USA
1382 زندگی و اجرای کارهای هنر محیطی در کنار رودخانه راین -  آلمان
2003 Environmental Art works in Germany

2003 Environmental Art Works in Germany

Ahmad Nadalian Project including River Venice Biennale in 3003  
Ahmad Nadalian Project including River Venice Biennale in 3003

Ahmad Nadalian Project including River Venice Biennale in 3003  

2005 Art Works in France, Seine River, Paris
2005 Art Works in France, Seine River, Paris
احمد نادعلیان در حال حجاری بر روی سنگ ها در کنار در رودخانه سن - 1384 پاریس
2005 Art Works in France, Seine River, Paris

2005 Hidden Treasure in France, Seine River, Paris

احمد نادعلیان ،1386 اجرای هنر محیطی در صربستان- ماهی های من از مرزها عبور می کنند
2008 My Fish Cross Borders Belgrade Serbia

2008 My Fish Cross Borders Belgrade Serbia

2012 Journey under the Ocean – Environmental works in Cyprus
2012 Journey under the Ocean – Environmental works in Cyprus
1391 اجرای هنر محیطی در کشور قبرس
2012 Journey under the Ocean – Environmental works in Cyprus

2012 Journey under the Ocean – Environmental works in Cyprus

2007  Journey across Tajikistan – The Holiness of Rocks,  Pamir Mountain

2007  Journey across Tajikistan – The Holiness of Rocks,  Pamir Mountain

احمد نادعلیان در حال اجرای مجموعه هنر محیطی در تاجیکستان – قداست صخره ها، 1386
2007  Journey across Tajikistan – The Holiness of Rocks,  Pamir Mountain
احمد نادعلیان، 1386 اجرای هنر محیطی در کشور آفریقای جنوبی
2008 Journey across South Africa: The Spirit of Rocks and Water

2008 Journey across South Africa: The Spirit of Rocks and Water

2016 Environmental Art Project in Thailand
2016 Environmental Art Project in Thailand
احمد نادعلیان ، 1393، اجرای هنر محیطی در جمهوری زنگبار
2014 Ahmad Nadalian in Zanzibar

Ahmad Nadalian’s travel in Turkey

1393 اجرای هنر اجتماعی در جمهوری زنگبار
2014  A Journey in the land of Black People – Ahmad Nadalian’s Art Works in Zanzibar

2014  A Journey in the land of Black People – Ahmad Nadalian’s Art Works in Zanzibar

حجاری صخره های جزيره لیدو نزدیک ونیز در ایتالیا همزمان با نمايشگاه اوپن 2003
2003 Lido Still has Fish  in Open 2003 in Lido of Italy
احمد نادعلیان سال 1382 در جزيره لیدو نزدیک ونیز در ایتالیا همزمان با نمايشگاه اوپن 2003
2003 Lido Still has Fish  in Open 2003 in Lido of Italy
2017 Ahmad Nadalian's travels in Greece
2017 Ahmad Nadalian’s travels in Greece
وظعیت پاهای احمد نادعلیان در سال 1386 پس از یک ماه سفر در امیرکا و اجرای هنر محیطی در واشنگتن، نیویرک ، کانزاس میزوری و نیو مکزیکو 
2007 Ahmad Nadalian’s travel in USA

Selected Environmental Art projects

2017 Environmental Art Project in Greece

2017 Environmental Art Project in Morocco

2017 Environmental Art Project in South Spain

2017 Environmental Art Project in Switzerland

2017 Environmental Art Project in Tunis

2017 Environmental Art Project in Portugal

2017 Environmental Art Project in France

2017 Environmental Art Project in Venice

2016 Environmental Art Project in Hungary

2016 Environmental Art Project in Czechoslovakia

2016 Environmental Art Project in Latvia

2016 Environmental Art Project in Lithuania
2016 Environmental Art Project in Poland
2016 Environmental Art Project in Stony
2016 Environmental Art Project in Thailand
2015 A Journey to South America (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Ecuador)2014 Journey and Workshop in India
2014  A Journey in the land of Black People – Art Works in Tanzania and Zanzibar
2013  Connection with Nature Works by Ahmad Nadalian in Malaysia
2013 Works by Ahmad Nadalian in Georgia
2012 Nuclear Worries-   Environmental Art Works in Japan
2012 Journey under the Ocean – Environmental works in Cyprus
2011 Playing With Water:  Journeys Across Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Turkey
2010 A Journey to South Korea with the Bicycle of Peace
2010 The immortal mountain and pure water :  A Journey to China
2009 Journey Across Russia: Swimming Against the Tides
2008 Journey across South Africa: The Spirit of Rocks and Water
2009 Swimming Against the Tides,  Russia
2008 Black & White People  South Africa
2008 My Fish Cross Borders Belgrade Serbia
2007  Journey across China – The Land of Dragon, Lijiang River
2007 The Holiness of Image,  (New Mexico)  – USA
2007 Red People – Kansas City Missouri  USA
2007  Journey across Tajikistan – The Holiness of Rocks,  Pamir Mountain
2007  Iranian Fish in British Water: Works in London (River Thames),  Chalford (Golden Valley) Stroud River,  SVA Art Center, Bristol Canal,  and University of West England
2007 Iranian Fish in British’s Water Chalford – Stroud  England
2006 Goddess of Fertility, “Verdearte”  Pescia (PT- Tuscany)  Italy
2005 Thirsty Fish, Seattle – USA
2005 Hidden Treasure – New York- Manhattan Central Park, USA
2005 River Art project, in the occasion of  L’Eau Partagee:,  in South of France (La Mole, Gogolin – Toulon)
2005 Hidden Treasure in France, Seine River, Paris
2004 Carving on the Rock of Fairies, Ramatuelle, France
2004 Carving on the Rock of Beach in Sant Tropez
2004  Environmental Installation, Purification, Palma, Spain
2004  Thirsty Fish, Mallorca, Spain
2003 Environmental Art in Germany
2003 Lido Still has Fish  in Open 2003 in Lido of Italy
2002 The River Still Has Fish,  Haraz River, Iran
2000 International Symposium of Sculpture Aley- Lebanon         See More at  www.riverart.net


His environmental art, videos, multimedia, installations drawings, paintings, reliefs (stone carvings) and fabric have been exhibited in 16 individual exhibitions and he has participated in more than 80 group exhibitions.

In the 50th Biennale of Venice and Nadalian presented his RiverArt project.  Then he was invited to many countries for promoting his environmental art. 

Ahmad Nadalian,s works have been exhibited in many exhibitions around the world as follows:

2007 5th Biennale of Sculptor – Tehran Contemporary Art Museum

2007  Environmental Art Project in China

2007  Environmental Art Project in Tajikestan

2007  Contemporary Art in Iran- Tehran Contemporary Art Museum

2007 Sand Print at Shahdad Desert,  Kerman Environmental Art Festival

2007 Environmental Art Project at Shahroud

2007 Performance and Environmental Sculptor – 7th Environmental Art Festival at Paradise

2007 4th New Art Exhibition, Saba Cultural Compelex

2007 Environmental Art Project – in USA –  Rock Creek River- Washington DC, Kansas City Missouri, New York and  Santa Fe (New Mexico)

2007 Environmental Art Project – in United Arab Emirate

2007 Environmental Art Project – in UK-   London (River Thames),  Chalford (Golden Valley) Stroud River

2007 Environmental Art project Turkey – Istanbul

2007 Environmental Art Project in Kerman  (Meymand,  Stone Garden) and Shiraz (Rahmat Mountain and Siwand)

2007 Carved Stones Hormoz Island- Persian Gulf

2007 Interactive Installation – Print Exhibition-  Tehran Contemporary Art Museum

2006  Sand Print-  Persian Gulf Environmental Art Festival

2006  Carved Stones Wali Asr Street Tehran

2006 Environmentaal Art Zahedan

2006 Goddess of Fertility, “Verdearte”  Pescia (PT- Tuscany)  Italy

2005 Thirsty Fish, Seattle – USA

2005  Export of Culture , Hidden Treasure in France and USA

2005  Carved Stones, Modern Art,  Tehran Contemporary Art Museum

2005  Third Tashkent Biennale  – Uzbekistan

2005  Interactive Multimedia, Nature in the East,  Khial Gallery, Saba Cultural Complex

2005  Carved Stones- Second Exhibition of Quran , Niavaran Cultural Complex

2005  L’Eau Partagee: Exhibition,  in South of France (La Mole, Gogolin – Toulon)

2005  Carved Stones  Artitude Gallery, Paris

2005  Hidden Treasure,  New York-  Manhattan, and  Seattle – Bottle

2005  Environmental Works,  Seine river ,  Paris

2005  Interactive Multimedia, in group Exhibition of Difficult Start, Member of Association of Iranian Painters

2005 Interactive Multimedia in the exhibition of Masterpiece of Persian Painting, Tehran Contemporary Art Museum

2004  Carving on the Rock of Fairies, Ramatuelle, France

2004  Carving on the Rock of beach in Sant Tropez

2004  Individual exhibition, Carved Stones, Installation, and Performance at Epi Plage (Art- Hotel) South France

2004 Interactive Multimedia work at Tehran Contemporary Art Museum

2004  Environmental Installation, Mehr Festival, Isfahan

2004  Unclaimed Language, Installation, Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid

2004 Third New Art Exhibition, Student Union, Tehran University

2004  Individual exhibition, Galleria Portal Mallorca of Spain

2004  Environmental Installation, Purification, Palma, Spain

2004  Individual exhibition, Installation in Can Marques, Mallorca of Spain

2004  Installation & Carved Stones at the Gallery of Artist House

2004  Search for life  Virtual work in the web

2004 Multimedia Art ant Aluminum exhibition Baku (Republic of Azerbaijan)

2003 Video Installation of River Art,   50 biennale of Venice-  Italy

2003  Installation  at the Goethe Institute f  Mannheim- Germany

2003  Group Exhibition of Group What is Art? What is Sound? in Luisen Park of  Mannheim- Germany

2003  Lido Still has Fish  in Open 2003 in Lido of Italy

2003  Group exhibition,  Member of Group 30+   carved stones, Barg Gallery  Tehran.

2003  Group exhibition,  Member of Group 30+  in Hayart cultural center in Yerevan , Armenia , April

2002 Group exhibition,  Member of Group 30+  in Zanjan Uninersity, December

2002  Web Art in New Art exhibition at Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

2002  Individual exhibition , carved stones, installation & Multimedia Art, Barg Gallery  Tehran.

2002  Group exhibition,  Member of Group 30+   Triennale De Paris:  International d’Art Contemporain

2002   Installation in Orientalism: Inside & Outside: International exhibition of Conceptual Art – Baku (Republic of Azerbaijan)

2002   Group Project in Tochal Mountain with collaboration of Group 30+.

2002  Exhibition of Iranian Contemporary Painting, Muscat  Oman

2002   Exhibition of  the Photo of  River Art , Poloor.

2001  Group exhibition Member of Group 30+  at Tokyo’s Metropolitan Museum

 2001 Group  exhibition Member of Group 30+ ,   at the Esfahan Museum of Contemporary Art

2001   Video installation in The First Exhibition of Iranian Conceptual Art at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

2001   Group exhibition , installation,  conceptual art exhibition of Barg Gallery.

2001  Exhibition at the Niavaran Cultural Complex (November )

2001  Individual exhibition, drawing on fabric, paintings, carved Stones & installation – Gallery of the Association of Sculptors and Painters of Lebanon – Beirut .

2001   Group exhibition, carved stones, painting on fabric, Member of Group 30+ Niawaran Cultural Complex

2001  Group exhibition, New Experiences: Members of Society of Iranian painters, Gallery of Iranian artists.

2001   Group exhibition, carved stones, installation and painting,  Member of Group 30+ Niawaran Cultural Complex

2000 Group exhibition, sculpture, The second Biennial of sculptor of Tehran at Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
2000 Individual exhibition, Paintings and Drawings, Arya Gallery, Tehran of Tehran.
2000 International Symposium of Sculpture Aley
2000 The fifth biennial of Iranian contemporary painting at Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

1999 Group exhibition, Painting, Tehran Gallery
1999 Group exhibition, Drawing, Shys Gallery, Tehran
1999 Group exhibition, Painting, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
1999 Group exhibition, Drawing, The third exhibition of contemporary drawing, Barg Gallery.
1999 Group exhibition, Drawing, The first international exhibition of drawing of Tehran. at Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

1998 Group exhibition, Painting Arya gallery, Tehran
1998 Group exhibition for Green frontline (Jebhe-i sabz), Painting Arya gallery, Tehran
1998 Individual exhibition, Paintings and Drawings, Sureh Gallery, Tehran
1998 Group exhibition, painting, Sureh Gallery, Zahedan
1997 Third Biennial of Painting, Tehran
1997 Group exhibition, Painting, Tehran Gallery – Tehran

1996 Group exhibition, Painting, Sureh Gallery – Tehran

1995 Group exhibition, Painting, Bahman Cultural Center – Tehran

1994 Group exhibition, Painting, Exhibition Hall- The University of Central England in Birmingham

1993 Individual exhibition, Carton Drawing- Exhibition Hall- The University of Central England in Birmingham

1986 Individual exhibition, Drawings Shahed Gallery – Tehran
1986 Group exhibition, Painting, Brass House Birmingham

1989 Group exhibition, painting, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

1988 Individual exhibition, Paintings and Drawings – Faculty of Fine Arts, Tehran University

1986 Individual exhibition, Drawings – Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
1986 Group exhibition, Painting, Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts- Tehran University
1986 Group exhibition, Drawings and painting – Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts- Tehran University
1986 Group exhibition, painting, Shahed Gallery – Tehran

1985, Group exhibition, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
1985, Group exhibition, Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts- Tehran University

1984 Individual exhibition, Paintings and Drawings – Faculty of Fine Arts, Tehran University

1983 Group exhibition, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

1982  Individual exhibition, Paintings, Shariati School at Tehran
1982 Group exhibition, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

1981 Group exhibition, Paintings and Drawings Shariati School at Tehran

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