Ahmad Nadalian: Turning challenges and threats into an opportunity to create social creative art

In the process of Nadalian’s artistic creation and Ahmad Nadalian’s life, challenges and threats become opportunities, the result of which is creative artistic creation in the field of social art. Documentation shows that artists throughout history have used the same method. The end result of a work of art cannot be determined in advance. The […]

Hidden Treasures of Ahmad Nadalian: An Art Exhibition for the Next Millenniums

In the past years, the people of Polour excavated the place where I carved several images on the local rocks. They hoped to find treasures there. According to a tradition in the north of Iran, the images of hands, fish and snake on the rocks can be a sign of treasure.  Posing this question is […]

Using the art of painting to teach creative management

In 1998 come to back Iran from England. After the invitation of the Iranian Oil Company some management professors from a Canadian university come to Iran and thir intention was to hold a management workshop for the senior managers of the oil company. They asked the organizers of the workshop to provide painting easels, canvases, […]

How did the art of painting increase the self-confidence of women in Hormuz Island?

My long-term experience in Hormuz Island and Qeshm villages shows that teaching and doing artwork can be useful as a method to increase self-confidence. If you travel to Hormuz Island, you will see that women play a prominent role in various jobs. In the first years when tourism was gradually formed, the first job of […]

Discovery of New imaginery Rock sculpture in Hormuz Island

After holding environmental art festivals and performing imaginative painting art inspired by the nature of Hormuz Island, now the local guides, drivers and ordinary people convinced that there art many hidden images in all colourfull rocks of Island. Now their imagination is very active and they find more shape and images themselve. New rock sculpture […]

New tourist map of Hormuz Island

By visiting Dr. Nadalian Museum in Hormuz, you can purchase a new tourism map of Island. It introduces all the natural and cultural attractions of the island. By visiting the museum and watching the film there, you will have a new perspective of the nature and culture of Hormuz Island. By having this map, you […]

Ahmad Nadalian’s Journeys Across Different countries

Ahmad Nadalian is internationally known as one of the most active ecological artists. He has been supported and sponsored by many different organizations in many countries throughout the world, where he has performed numerous ecological and social art projects.  Now most of Nadalian works are scattered across the earth. His environmental art projects, include the […]

Ahmad Nadalian: Praying for rain and nature’s grace and violence in Hormuz Island

قبل از گزارش مراسم قبله دعاي سال 1387 جزيره هرمز يك مقدمه لازم است : بين آسمان بالا و پايين رابطه وجود دارد. در بعضي از مناطق دنيايي كه در آن زندگي مي كنيم هنوز اين رابطه وجود دارد. در گذشته نه چندان دور آدم ها از پايين به آسمان نگاه مي كردند. حالا از […]