Ahmad Nadalian: An art student or a Sangsari Nomad Traveler in Iran

Before going to Europe, I had several journies to different parts of Iran from 1983 to 1990. I traveled mostly alone. During the trip, I made many drawings and slides on many topics: nature, life, faces, ethnic clothing, customs, handicrafts, architecture and decorations … and of course, sometimes, I recorded my travels and life with […]

Drawings by Ahmad Nadalian: War Wounded Soldiers in hospital

In the early year when I was student, I made many drawings showing war wounded soldiers. In the evenings, I went to the Imam Khomeini Hospital from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, and worked tile late night. I slept in the hospital at night and returned to faculty the next morning. عصر […]

Ahmad Nadalian: How did I get acquainted with the anatomy and the human body?

When I was a student, there was limited anatomy design in the Fine Arts Faculty curriculum. Due to personal interest, I went to medical school in the summer of 1984 and started a series of works to learn more about anatomy. Gradually I became interested in naturalism art. Following this process, I designed different people […]

The early years of Ahmad Nadalian’s education at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Tehran University

After participating in the exam in February 1983, I was accepted as a painting student at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Tehran University. من در سابقه ام در دوران راهنمایی و دبیرستان دو سال مردودی داشتم. اما هم سن سایر دانشجویان پسر بودم. چون آنهایی که زودتر درسشان تمام شده بود به سربازی رفته […]

Life of Ahmad Nadalian in his youth after the revolution 1979

After the revolution, my interest in art, especially painting, increased. The first time that the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art reopened in September 1979, I went to the museum and saw the works of art of the Revolution, and since then I have been following the museum’s exhibitions. I later found out that communist artists […]

Experience of social change: The life of Ahmad Nadalian as a youth

When I was youth, my studies became very bad. I worked in my father’s workplace. Gradually I became interested in works of art. The revolution 1979 happened. The revolution affected my life and my painting. سال 1353 با بدترین کارنامه پنجم ابتدایی را تمام کردم. نمره ریاضی به عدد هفت نزول پیدا کرد و معدل […]

Unintelligent child: Ahmad Nadalian’s childhood

Evidence shows that Ahmad Nadalian has been unintelligent since childhood. During his childhood, all his teacher agreed that he has no talent. When he was child in summer with his grandparents, mother and sisters lived in Sangsari nomad camp.  تابستانها ما (من مادر سه خواهرم و مادر بزرگم) با پدر بزرگ در ییلاق گل زرد […]

Baby Nomad – Ahmad Nadalian’s time and place of birth

  Ahmad Nadalian’s ancestor were Sangsari nomad . It his berth certificate we can find the time for his birthday:  June 23, 1963 .  He sayse, according to my uncles, this date of birth is not correct.  He was born in late March or Early June 1963.    مکان دقیق تولد من خانه ای بوده […]

Introduction: The Life of Ahmad Nadalian

Ahmad Nadalian is internationally known as one of the most active environmental and Social artists. Her ancestors were nomads His environmental art projects, include the carving of rocks that can be found in many countries. Now most of Nadalian works are scattered across the earth. He says “I have traveled to most states in Western […]