Salt Sculptures: Collaboration of animals to realize art

The collaborative art project with animals that I called “Salt Sculpture” was very exciting. I installed salt rocks in a farm with animals. Goats, sheep and lambs had a strong desire to lick those salt rocks. Their licks created dimples on the salt. I was looking to get primitive visages out of these salt rocks. I covered some parts of the rock, and this lead the cattle to lick the open parts more and sometimes I would change the position of salts. Eventually I had readymade sculptures. I am glad that I discovered this technique with the help of animals. The result was quite satisfying.

 Goats, licks salt for “Salt Sculpture” project
Goats, licks salt for “Salt Sculpture” project
 Goats, licks salt for “Salt Sculpture” project
Goats, licks salt for “Salt Sculpture” project
 Goats, licks salt for “Salt Sculpture” project
Goats, licks salt for “Salt Sculpture” project
 Goat, licks salt for “Salt Sculpture” project
Goat, licks salt for “Salt Sculpture” project
Salt Sculptures
Salt Sculptures
Salt Sculptures
Salt Sculptures

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