Mannequins: Art works by Ahmad Nadalian

Besides dolls, I collect old mannequins. The aesthetics of the mannequins’ bodies and faces raise questions for me. They follow the western model. By studying them, you can see the tension and interests behind the veils of appearance. They represent something that traditionalists disagree with. But there is no other way.  They have become so […]

The Birth of Tourism in Hormuz Island and the first restaurants and Hostels

Tourism in Hormuz Island started in 2008. I want to continue writing the history of the island’s social evolution. During the festivals of 2006 or 2007, food was ordered to houses. Sometimes the artists themselves prepared food. Places of accommodation were temporary houses and sometimes institutional houses. Until 2009, no one advertised food or accommodation.  […]

The concept of dolls in Dr. Ahmed Nadalian Museum in Hormuz Island

I collect old dolls. For me discarded dolls are a metaphor for neglected children. The dolls can be found everywhere, often sourced from the garbage, but sometimes I will ask girls to donate their old dolls in exchange for new ones. The collection is on display in the museum. Indigenous doll made of old cloth. […]

Female death and male murder: Art works by Ahmad Nadalian

مردان همه در زهدان زن با این کهکشان آشنا شدند و زمانی که به دنیا آمدنداز شیر مادران سیراب شدند. رسم روزگار این بود. مردان خود در رسم شکنی آزادند.  نیستی زنان را مردان مجارز می دانند. زن از ابتدای تاریخ زخم خورده و بازنده بود و هنوز هم بازنده است زخم جان او را […]

Self-immolation of Girls and Women: Artworks of Ahmed Nadalian

News or narratives that show the physical and mental injuries of girls and women have always influenced my artworks. With different media, I show the suffering of women who were burned in the fire. پس از شندید خبر خودسوری یک دختر علاقمند به فوتبال این اثر را اجرا کردم.  همزمان با انتشار ویدئو آن این […]

Art Works in the 15th Environmental Art Festival in Iran, Hormoz Island, February 2007

In the 15th Environmental Art Festival in Iran, in (February 2007), many works of environmental art were done. However, the main focus of the group work was “opposition to the war and the militarization of the Persian Gulf.” But a lot of teamwork and a lot of independent work was done. احمد نادعلیان: مخالفت با […]

Multicultural Environment of Hormuz Island in 2021 from the point of view of Ahmad Nadalian

In November 2021, I went to Hormoz Island. I encountered a new Hormuz.  Those who immigrated in the past two years live in coexistence with the local community. Following this interaction, Hormuz is in a new situation. Good and bad consequences are on the way. در نیمه آبان 1400 پس از بیست ماه غیبت به […]

Suspicious suitcase of Ahmad Nadalian at the port of Hormuz Island

Ahmad Nadalian’s suspicious suitcase at the Port of Hormuz Island is the title of artwork on display at the Dr. Nadalian Museum on Hormuz Island. After inspecting Ahmad Nadalian’s suitcase, the artist created this art work. It show the beauties of Hormuz Island and the uncontrolled destruction of the island’s soil and minerals. Compared to […]